I am really excited about our new adventure. For those of you who know me know I'm always looking for the next new challenge... as if having 3 young children isn't enough of a challenge at the moment. I like to just dive right in... so here we go, no better time like the present, right?
So far the biggest challenge for me with this adventure is remembering to check where the product is made. When I have my daughters with me they seem to be good most of the time reminding me by blurting out "was this made in China Mom!" but sometimes it completely slips my mind. Like the other day we were going through the check out with our groceries and I went to put a box of straws on the counter when I realized I hadn't checked where they were made... China! of course. The same brand of straws I bought last year were made in Thailand. Why couldn't they be made there this year. It would have made things simple for me plus it would have saved me a trip back to the isle they came from, which with 3 small children can be a task in and of itself. At least I didn't buy them before I realized, otherwise I would have to drive back to the store to return them.
Oh and trying to find a birthday present for a 4 year old in a small town that my 5 year old thinks is "special" enough is nearly impossible. We did manage to find some "special" markers and construction paper made in the USA and my 5 year old decided to give her one of her "special" toys.
My goal for the week is to remember to check the item as soon as I pick it up. I will try to keep you posted on how that is working out for me.
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